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Hoivita OneView – Cloud Platform

Cloud-based Analysis

We offer the easy-to-use and clear Hoivita OneView cloud platform to all our customers. The service is offered with a SaaS service model, with which we produce a high-quality user experience for remote monitoring of the health status and well-being of patients, the elderly and other people who need help.

The information collected from the various data points and sources in the monitored person’s apartment is processed and analyzed, after which we check whether there have been any alarming changes in the person’s health or well-being. All information and changes about the events are made available to the medical staff and the relatives of the person being monitored.


From the analyzes produced by the Hoivita OneView cloud platform, nursing staff and relatives get more information about the health and well-being of an elderly person, patient or other person who needs help outside of normal treatment hours. In this case, for example, being awake at night is detected if the lights are on in the apartment and people are active there.

The service can also be used to react to various movement attempts immediately, if the person being monitored cannot move alone without the help of another person or nursing staff. A quick response to an alarm sent by Hoivita can reduce or even prevent possible falls.

For the care organization, the benefit of Hoivita’s SaaS service model is the provision of additional information and the opportunity to target care where it is needed. It is also easier for the nursing staff to show the information collected by Hoivita about the well-being of the monitored person to their loved ones and help them understand the treatment procedures. Our service also enables a more precise definition of the need for care.

For monitored persons, such as the elderly, patients and other people in need of help, as well as their relatives, our service gives peace of mind and trust in the care organization, when the care is better targeted than before.

Data Points & Data Sources

Hoivita’s SaaS service model essentially includes information produced by data points and measured values from various data sources. In this case, Hoivita also offers remote monitoring solutions, so we can offer the entire service from start to finish on a turnkey basis.

These data points include various devices, but information can also be imported into the Hoivita OneView cloud platform from other data sources via Hoivita’s API. In this case, the analysis tools developed by Hoivita are available for these data points through our service, and we can present information about well-being and health status collected from these sources more comprehensively.

More information about the data points and sources used on our website. If you have suggestions for adding data points or data sources or ask about existing ones, send us a message and we will be in contact!

Ota yhteyttä / Contact

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